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Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime17/6/2015, 1:57 am by Helena Jay

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Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime25/7/2012, 9:12 am by Guest

» Wandering About (Open)
Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime21/7/2012, 7:24 am by Jezebel Knockboots

» Time to set Sail
Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime20/7/2012, 9:42 pm by Mirror Image

» Out for a Walk
Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime15/7/2012, 10:52 am by Kari Readour

» A fish out of water ( Mature Content)
Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 8:54 pm by Tessa Grey

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» Tessa's Away
Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 10:41 am by Jaded Rock

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Mirror Image
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Kari Readour
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Nym Ashford
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Jezebel Knockboots
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 Time to set Sail

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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime31/5/2012, 5:48 pm

Mirror new it was about time to set sail. She had gotten a message to be at the ship early to meet the supplies that were do to come on board, when she noticed who was delievering the supplies she was a little upset she would have to talk to Nym about this.

Mirror gave them directions on where to put everything, they had enough supplies to last at least a month with the amount of crew they had.

Mirror had bought the clothes that Nym wanted even though Mirror still did not like the idea of wearing them all the time. Overnight in the crows nest got cold.

Mirror didn't want to assume she would be rooming with the Captain, not that it wouldn't be nice to be warm for a change. Mirror put on her black shear gown and sat on the deck by the wheel and waited for them to arrive.
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime31/5/2012, 8:12 pm

Nym walked up to her ship, noticing that Mirror was already there, wearing a shear black nightgown. "You look nice Mirror, how are you doing? Did the supplies arrive?" Nym asked quickly, jumping onto the deck.
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime31/5/2012, 9:01 pm

Mirror heard the Captain before she saw her, "I suppose I look ok." Mirror looked down at her clothes, "I still refuse to wear them at night in the nest."

Mirror had to smile as she thought about her time in port, "I am doing a lot better than I have in a long time." Mirror said with a smile.

"Yes we are fully stocked Nym, but I wonder what kind of deal you made for those supplies? I know the delivery guys." Mirror said as she crossed her arms.
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime2/6/2012, 10:12 am

"I can understand not wearing them at night, it does tend to get a little cold out," Nym responds.

"I haven't made a deal yet, just your sister trying to bribe me into making a deal with her. I said that I wanted to talk to my crew first, which I don't think she took well," Nym explains.
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime2/6/2012, 11:55 am

Mirror gave a sigh of relief about not having to wear them in the crows nest. The Captain was going to be in for a fight if she would not have agreed to the point.

Mirror could not believe that her sister was trying to bride Nym, she could do nothing but shake her head.

"All I can say, is she can be trust to a certain extent and that's about it." Mirror sighed, she hated it when her sister got in the middle of her dealings.

"I imagine she wants you to leave her fleet alone, that is actually easy. It only consists of two ships, her flag ship and the supply ship."
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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Time to set Sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime2/6/2012, 12:01 pm

"Really, only two ships, I might have to take her up on her deal then, since it will be for food and water. Any opinion on your part," Nym states.

"So, what did you do while you were out?" Nym asks.
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime2/6/2012, 12:23 pm

Mirror was not sure what to say, there was always a lot of gold on the supply ship that could come in handy.

"I would ask for a pay bucket too. There is a awful lot of gold on that supply ship."

Mirror knew her sister would kill her if she knew she told, but her life as a pirate would come first. She wondered if Nym would be surprised by her admission of the gold.

"I actually had a lovely time at port, made a new friend, went to jail, got some sex from a old friend. I imagine that was considered a rounded trip." Mirror smirked
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime5/6/2012, 6:44 pm

"Money, that's all she's carrying in those. I don't need any of that right now, as i have it all set aside, although it's on the other side of the ocean. I don't like taking it with me so I don't attract other pirates, there is little honor among us," Nym explains to Mirror.
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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Time to set Sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime5/6/2012, 7:06 pm

Mirror was in a lot of shock when she said that money was not really a big deal.

"So what exactly do you want from a ship then?" Mirror wondered

Mirror had been with them for a little over a week or so and did not really know what they went for, they hadn't see any ships.
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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Join date : 2012-05-13

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime5/6/2012, 7:09 pm

"Whatever is there, I mostly do it for fun. Now a days, I have enough that when we hit a ship, I divide it between the crew and don't take any myself," Nym says, sitting back.
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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Time to set Sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime5/6/2012, 8:12 pm

Mirror almost had to laugh when Nym said she did it for fun, "I can understand that one. I don't actually do this for the money either"

Mirror had enough money to last a lifetime and longer

"I imagine I do this for fun myself."
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Tessa Grey
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Tessa Grey

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime7/6/2012, 11:32 am

Tessa walked down to the dock. She knew that she was a tad bit late, that was because she spent it with Jade. Tessa was sad that she might not see him again. But she felted the time that they spent together was worth it. And now she would have to get used to Nym and Mirror again. But she was ready to sail again. She enjoyed her time one land.
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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Time to set Sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime7/6/2012, 1:27 pm

"Really, are you sure it's just that?" Nym inquires, getting up off her chair. "If I had to guess that part of it is that you want to get away, that's what drives most people to the ocean."
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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Time to set Sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime7/6/2012, 4:48 pm

Mirror sighed as she listened to Nym talk, "Yes I would just rather sit at home and play little dutchess cause it is so much fun"

Mirror hated her real life and would rather be at sea, "I guess you would be right, running away is much better."

Mirror looked up and noticed Tessa had made it back, "Hay Tessa how was your stay, you look like you got a little."
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Tessa Grey
First Mate
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Tessa Grey

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime7/6/2012, 8:27 pm

Tessa smiled cause she always loved London. And the fact that they was on land for a while. And she was able to get a bath. " Hello Mirror."

She then started to grin when Mirror said it looked like she got a little. " Wouldn't you like to know?"
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime8/6/2012, 6:17 pm

Mirror almost had to laugh at Tessa, "Oh come on Tessa, share a little. Even I got some while I was on land."

Mirror was glad she had found her long lost friend, but was sad that she wouldn't get to see her again until they made it back to London.

"I was going to tell you, next time we are in port ya'll are welcome to use my house. I have plenty of room there."

Mirror was not sure if Tessa knew who she was or not.
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Tessa Grey
First Mate
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Tessa Grey

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime9/6/2012, 9:05 am

Tessa was grinning. “ Well I did spend this night with this amazing guy.” She knew that Mirror would want more details but she didn't want to share about that night. “ Well I meet him at the inn I was staying in.”

She then blinked when Mirror said that next time they could stay at her house in London. “ I will remember that.” Tessa was confused. “ You have a huge house and you are a pirate?”
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime11/6/2012, 8:14 am

Mirror smiled at Tessa as she talked about this guy, "Wow, Tessa I just didn't picture you as a pick up a stranger type of girl. You must have really wanted some." Mirror laughed a little.

Listening to Tessa talk she realized that she did not know who she was and she was not ready to tell her.

"Well London is my home town and I like to have a place to stay when I come home, plus what else am I going to do with all of my shillings?"
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Tessa Grey
First Mate
First Mate
Tessa Grey

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime11/6/2012, 4:14 pm

Tessa grinned. “ I hope that I can see this one next time we go back to London.” She then started to think of Jade. And was sure that she was never going to see him again. “ I don't know it just happened, first he was taking to a place that I can eat. And I felt bad when he talked about his parents.”

She then blink. “ That is cool that you have a house in London. It makes since to stay there instead of an inn.”
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime11/6/2012, 9:49 pm

"Yes, it is nice to see my first mate," Nym states, going down to stand in front of Tessa. "It looks like you enjoyed your time," Nym states.

Nym turns around and says, "So, is everyone ready to get off this rock?"
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime11/6/2012, 10:19 pm

Mirror smiled a little at Nym and Tessa "Ah, a pity screw. Those are the best kind."

Mirror clapped her hands when Nym asked about getting off the rock,

"I was ready yesterday" Mirror said with smile.

"I just need to put my stuff away downstairs in the galley first."
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Tessa Grey
First Mate
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Tessa Grey

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime13/6/2012, 7:27 am

Tessa smiled as she seen Nym. “ Yes I did enjoy my time in London.” She remembered that night really well. And was sure that she would think about it a lot.

She then turned to Mirror. “ Yeah I guess it was pitty sex. But I could tell that he wanted sex as soon as I meet him.”
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime13/6/2012, 9:31 am

"Well, that's all good with me, not like I would turn down sex, and boys are pretty obvious when they want it," Nym comments.
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Mirror Image
Mirror Image

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Time to set Sail Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime15/6/2012, 9:39 pm

Mirror had to laugh a little, "They most certainly are very eager when they want something they take it."

Mirror wondered if that was why she preferred woman, they always seemed more loving at times than men.

"But then I prefer woman, so you can have the men Tessa."
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Nym Ashford
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Nym Ashford

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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime16/6/2012, 11:16 am

"Yes, you can take my share as well, god knows they are falling over themselves for me, but hey, you like what you like, and I certainly don't like them," Nym comments.
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PostSubject: Re: Time to set Sail   Time to set Sail I_icon_minitime

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