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» Luna Vermiculus University
When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime17/6/2015, 1:57 am by Helena Jay

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When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime25/7/2012, 9:12 am by Guest

» Wandering About (Open)
When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime21/7/2012, 7:24 am by Jezebel Knockboots

» Time to set Sail
When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime20/7/2012, 9:42 pm by Mirror Image

» Out for a Walk
When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime15/7/2012, 10:52 am by Kari Readour

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When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 8:54 pm by Tessa Grey

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When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 6:52 pm by Acacia Lucius

» Tessa's Away
When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 10:41 am by Jaded Rock

» When a noble is in trouble
When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime3/7/2012, 2:05 am by Captain Jack Sparrow

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Mirror Image
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Kari Readour
When a noble is in trouble I_vote_lcapWhen a noble is in trouble I_voting_barWhen a noble is in trouble I_vote_rcap 
Henric Sparrow
When a noble is in trouble I_vote_lcapWhen a noble is in trouble I_voting_barWhen a noble is in trouble I_vote_rcap 
Nym Ashford
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Jezebel Knockboots
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Tessa Grey
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Jaded Rock
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Natasha Bloodbath
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Helena Jay
When a noble is in trouble I_vote_lcapWhen a noble is in trouble I_voting_barWhen a noble is in trouble I_vote_rcap 
Marco Devane
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 When a noble is in trouble

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Henric Sparrow
Henric Sparrow

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Join date : 2012-05-13

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PostSubject: When a noble is in trouble   When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime2/7/2012, 4:41 pm

Henric fought the chains he hated them. He wanted out this was not his thing. He had never been in prison yet alone chained to a wall. He began to wonder why he had such a stupid idea of researching prison life so far there was nothing remotely useful for him beside the fact of the rude treatment of prisoners. They make break the law but that is no means by to give you the right to just throw one into the a cell.

Henric watched as Jack woke up he wondered what would happen if Jack found out that it was his brother who was in the cell with him but he didn't care at the moment he just wanted out.

Yelling to a guard that passed by to let him go for he was the governor for god's sake. However the guard just shook his head and carried on. For a lot of prisoners claimed they were someone they weren't.
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Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Captain Jack Sparrow

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Join date : 2012-05-26

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PostSubject: Re: When a noble is in trouble   When a noble is in trouble I_icon_minitime3/7/2012, 2:05 am

Jack had heard a lot of chains rattle and a lot of screaming and that is what woke him up from him sleeping. He was looking around and discovered that once again he found himself in prison. Damn it he thought to himself his brother was going to kill him, his brother was tired of bailing him out.

Jack turned around and discovered the chain rattling was coming from the guy on the wall that had been with him.

"Aye, will you quit that. I am trying to think here." Jack was wondering what he was going to do. Then he remembered that Kari was in the area and maybe he could get a note to her.

"No worries there mate, my love Kari is in the area and she will get us out. She is in town visiting the person she thinks shes in love with"

Jack went to yelling for the guard telling him he needed to make a request for someone.

"Hey I get a request and I request you send for Governor Kari Readour she is staying at Governor Sparrow Manor."
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