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 Acacia Lucius

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Acacia Lucius
Acacia Lucius

Posts : 5
Shillings : 11
Join date : 2012-06-22

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PostSubject: Acacia Lucius   Acacia Lucius I_icon_minitime22/6/2012, 4:13 pm

size=18]Basic Information

Name:Acacia Lucius

Age: 12

Place of Birth:Apirl 1th

Currently Located:Isla de Muerta

Occupation:Shoeshinner and pick pocket


Light on Personality

Personality: She can be rather nice when it comes to other people that do not snob her. She has a hatred for rich that is. She rob to survivied when it comes to living when others.She can be shy and when it comes to other people. Sometime her hunger gets the best of her and when she sees a person with budge pocket all she can think there is her next money ticket. She is known to be total honest with people because she knows that they do not want to hear the truth.


DislikesShe has disliked for rich people.She disliked bullies and being threated. She disliiked guards and being arrested or being hang.

Looks : ( Description Or image is fine)
Acacia Lucius Jodelle

Background Information

Background:Her was a good mother and everything. She worked as common house maid for some rich people. Her mother job was to be their house keepr you could say clean house.Well her father died of illness and such things. The money her mother makes is usually not enough to get food. But to help support her mother and her brothers and sisters. She shines people shoes any to get money.But one day her brother robbed some money from a rich man.Well the first thing he did when he pickpocket the person he spends money on some bread. He brought it home to this run down house and they ate without going hungry. But her mother was piss when she found out about what she was doing.

But she told her mother how else can they get ahead in life when we have pay on the house.How do they survived if they do not do this. One day she got sick usually. Well she was robbing from people even more so her mother could live.She died in her arms and she buries her body so speak she did not alert the government because she promised that she would try to keep her brothers and sister together. All she could see she would be taking care of each others. She does whatever she can to get to going in village saling herbs. She has not been arrest yet as of yet.

Mother:Alavda Lucius(dead)
Father:Quon Lucius (dead)
Siblings:She has a brother and sister. One name is sister name is Morwenna and older brother is Adare


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Kari Readour
Kari Readour

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Join date : 2012-05-14

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PostSubject: Re: Acacia Lucius   Acacia Lucius I_icon_minitime23/6/2012, 11:13 am

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