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Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime17/6/2015, 1:57 am by Helena Jay

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Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime25/7/2012, 9:12 am by Guest

» Wandering About (Open)
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime21/7/2012, 7:24 am by Jezebel Knockboots

» Time to set Sail
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime20/7/2012, 9:42 pm by Mirror Image

» Out for a Walk
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime15/7/2012, 10:52 am by Kari Readour

» A fish out of water ( Mature Content)
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 8:54 pm by Tessa Grey

» Coming up stranger(Jack,open)
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 6:52 pm by Acacia Lucius

» Tessa's Away
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime4/7/2012, 10:41 am by Jaded Rock

» When a noble is in trouble
Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime3/7/2012, 2:05 am by Captain Jack Sparrow

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 Throwing Bottles (Open)

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Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Captain Jack Sparrow

Posts : 14
Shillings : 18
Join date : 2012-05-26

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime26/5/2012, 6:12 pm

Jack had just been in the back with a few of the local woman so he was paying no mind to what was going on out in the other areas. He always enjoyed a nice stop off in Tortuga, all of the woman were happy to service him in any way he required.

Walking out of the room he stepped over the bodies that were all over and had to laugh when he saw Captain Blackbeard,

"I see you had all the fun and didn't leave anything for me to do." At that point he ducked as a body came flying over his head.
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Henric Sparrow
Henric Sparrow

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime29/5/2012, 9:11 pm

Henric disguied himself as a pirate and wandered around ducking a couple of bottles he was in search of his brother Jack but didn't want to be noticed. Spotting Jack he wondered what he should do next he decided on talking to him one thing that was unknown to most was that he was excellent at changing his voice.

"Yo I be need of passage will either of ye be willing to give? I can't pay with gold but I can pay with my body and a keg of rum." He asked hoping to sound convincing and not too much like himself.
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Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Captain Jack Sparrow

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime30/5/2012, 12:45 am

Jack was obviously not getting the reaction from Blackbeard that he was wanting so when this other guy walked up to him asking for passage upon his ship.

"Aye, I suppose I could use a able body. But lets talk first." Jack looked around for some place for them to go.

Jack was really not paying attention to who this was, as he lead him to a table in the back behind a screen.

"So why do you want this position?"
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Henric Sparrow
Henric Sparrow

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime9/6/2012, 8:16 pm

Henric followed Jack to the back with a smug look on his face he took the seat across from his brother though he hoped that he hadn't blown his cover. He wanted to spy out his brother's actions first hand.

He was about to answer Jack's question when a few officers of the Royal navy showed up. Henric closed his eyes this wasn't going to be good but hopefully he would be able to escape.

"Looks like we have some company."
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Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Captain Jack Sparrow

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime9/6/2012, 8:56 pm

Jack had to laugh when the man said the Royal Navy was there and by the look of him he looked a little nervous.

"That's nothing my man, this is easy to get out of."

Jack nudged the man and pointed behind them. Jack drew out his sword just in case they would need it.

"Come on don't slack it man, lets go."
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Henric Sparrow
Henric Sparrow

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime20/6/2012, 9:08 am

Henric looked in the direction that Jack was pointing and stood up and followed Jack. Only to find that there were some members of the Royal Navy standing out there as well. No was able to recognize him which he liked for now he would reveal his identity later maybe. He drew out a sword and was going to fight if he had to because at the moment he wasn't Governor Henric Sparrow he was just a nobody.

Henric wasn't sure if they were going to get out infact he highly doubted but he wasn't going to give up he could spend the night out of jail that would be best.
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Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lords
Pirate Lords
Captain Jack Sparrow

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Join date : 2012-05-26

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime22/6/2012, 4:34 am

Jack sighed when he saw more royal soldiers were coming in the way they had decided to escape through.

"Damn it, this is not going to work." Jack was pissed and tried to fight his way out but that was not working very much either.

"If I end up in jail again my brother is going to kill me again." Jack said to the man as they fought their way through.

Next thing Jack knew was he got hit on the back of the head with something.
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Henric Sparrow
Henric Sparrow

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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime2/7/2012, 4:26 pm

Henric watched as Jack fell to the ground he could of easily took off his disguise and be free of prison but he had other reasons as to why he wanted to be part of Jack's crew and one was to spy out the prisons from the inside so he continued to work his way through hoping that he might escape but not really caring if he didn't.

Finally he was corned and just gave up and let himself be dragged to the prison alongside Jack who was still unconscious. Once he was locked and chained to the wall since he resisted arrest but in the same cell as jack who they just threw in not caring at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Throwing Bottles (Open)   Throwing Bottles (Open) I_icon_minitime

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